Tooth Extraction
Extraction is the removal of the tooth from mouth or pulling of teeth from the bone.this procedure is done entirely under local anesthesia, so its painless for the comfort of patient as well as for dentist,and takes less time.Some extractions are quite complicated depending on the coverage of bone and soft tissue.
- When tooth is grossly decayed and cannot be restored
- Shaking of tooth
- Root pieces removal
- Infection exceeding through bone in compromised condition.
- For orthodontic treatment, where space is needed
- When primary(milk) teeth blocks the eruption of permanent teeth.
- Supernumerary or abnormal teeth.
Tooth Extraction In Dubai
The third molars (wisdom teeth) may some often not have enough space to erupt and end up being retained in the jaw. It may be required to remove them when causing symptoms such as pain and swelling of the gum or when they are associated with cysts. Wisdom teeth or third molars are the teeth furthest away in the dental arches and they usually are the last ones to erupt, normally between age 18-22. When they have not completed their eruption at that time and are completed submerged under the gum they are called “impacted”, if they are only partially covered by the gum “semi-impacted”. It is generally recommended the extraction of third molars that are “symptomatic”, this means in cases when they cause pain, infections, damage to other teeth or if they are related with other pathologies like cysts and tumors.
Surgical Extraction
This is a procedure in which surgical access is required to completely remove a tooth. Even if the tooth is visible in the mouth without surgically expositing it, surgical techniques may be necessary to remove the tooth. This includes gum incision, sectioning the tooth into two or more pieces, cutting bone and takes stitches.
When a dental professional refers a patient to an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon for tooth extraction, it is to ensure the tooth is removed or managed with the highest level of expertise. Some impacted teeth do require only partial removal or no removal at all, and that decision is made with the expertise of an OMS. Surgical tooth extraction may occur under some form of sedation or anesthesia at the office of an OMS. The time required to perform the procedure will depend on many factors:
- Position of the tooth
- Length and curvature of the root(s)
- Thickness of bone surrounding the tooth
- The patient’s physical health
When gum tissue covers the tooth, an incision is required to expose the tooth for removal. Similarly, if bone covers part of the tooth, the surgeon will remove bone to fully expose and extract the tooth.
Operculectomy to treat pericorinitis
One of the most common clinical problems associated with third molars is “acute pericoronitis”. Its symptoms are sharp or throbbing pain, redness, swelling and/or purulence associated with the erupting tooth. Additional symptoms may include limitation of mouth opening, dysphagia (difficulty to swallow), fever and lymphadenitis (swollen nodes). Pericoronitis occurs most of the times in molars that start erupting but remain partially capsuled by the bone or the gum, both of which retain bacteria preventing proper oral hygiene, resulting in inflammation and infection.
Surgical Tooth Exposure
Orthodontic traction is the treatment of choice for mal-positioned and retained teeth. This is most commonly practiced in canines where the surgical exposure of the teeth is needed to achieve their correct position with brackets.
Labial Frenectomy
It is a surgical procedure that helps to close the gap between the front central teeth (median diastema) which cause is the lower insertion of the labial frenum. The removal and new insertion of the frenum are done easily with this surgery.
Cyst Enucleation
A cyst is defined as a pathological cavity having fluid contents. Cysts in the jaws are more common than in any other bone and its treatment is the total removal (enucleation) of the cystic lesion. All teeth form within a sack and occasionally this sack can expand and grow resulting in a cyst formation around the wisdom tooth. Over time, this cyst can become larger and cause damage in the bone and other anatomical structures. The third molar also can be related in few cases with the formation of tumors in the jaws.