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Did You Ever Have TM Joint Pain?

Did You Ever Have TM Joint Pain?

TMJ(Temporo-Mandibular Joint) pain also known as Myofascial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome (MPDS) or temporomandibular disorder (TMD), is a condition that affects the muscles and joints of the jaw. It’s characterized by pain and dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the muscles that control jaw movement. MPDS can manifest in a variety of symptoms, including jaw pain or tenderness, difficulty chewing or opening the mouth fully, clicking or popping sounds in the jaw joint, and even headaches or earaches.


Teeth Grinding Habit

The exact causes of MPDS are often multifactorial. Contributing factors may include stress, teeth grinding (bruxism), jaw clenching, poor posture, trauma to the jaw or face, and even arthritis.


These factors can lead to muscle tension, inflammation of the TMJ, and misalignment of the jaw joint, all of which contribute to the symptoms experienced by individuals with MPDS.


Diagnosis of MPDS involves a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare provider, typically a dentist or a doctor specializing in facial pain. This evaluation may include a physical examination of the jaw and surrounding muscles, imaging studies such as X-rays or MRI scans, and sometimes dental impressions to assess the bite and jaw alignment.


Night Guard
Cold & Hot Pack

Treatment for MPDS is tailored to each individual and often involves a combination of approaches. Self-care strategies may include jaw exercises to improve range of motion and reduce muscle tension, application of heat or cold packs to the jaw, and practicing stress management techniques. Dental treatments such as the use of oral appliances (splints or mouthguards) to stabilize the jaw and prevent teeth grinding may also be recommended.

In more severe cases of MPDS, where conservative treatments do not provide adequate relief, additional interventions such as physical therapy, medications to reduce pain and inflammation, or even surgical procedures may be considered. It’s important for individuals with MPDS to work closely with their healthcare providers to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific symptoms and underlying causes.

Early intervention and appropriate management can significantly improve symptoms and quality of life for people living with MPDS. Seeking timely medical advice and adopting a proactive approach to managing symptoms can help minimize discomfort and prevent the progression of this condition.

Do You Know What Is A “Tongue-Tie”?

Do You Know What Is A “Tongue-Tie”?

Ankyloglossia, commonly known as tongue-tie, is a condition that affects individuals from birth and can have significant implications for oral health and development. It occurs when the lingual frenulum, the band of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth, is unusually short or tight. This restricts the tongue’s movement, potentially impacting speech, feeding, and oral hygiene.

Effects of Ankyloglossia:

1)Feeding problems:

Infants with ankyloglossia may have difficulty breastfeeding due to limitations in tongue movement, which can affect their ability to latch onto the breast effectively. This can lead to feeding challenges for both the baby and mother, causing frustration and inadequate nutrition for the infant. Early recognition and intervention are crucial to mitigate these issues and support healthy feeding habits.

2)Impact on Speech:

As children with ankyloglossia grow older, the condition can affect speech development. The restricted movement of the tongue may hinder the ability to articulate certain sounds properly, leading to speech impediments.

3)Impact on Oral Health:

Additionally, individuals with ankyloglossia may face challenges with oral hygiene, as they may have difficulty cleaning the back of their teeth and gums thoroughly.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

Diagnosing ankyloglossia involves a physical examination by a healthcare professional, often in collaboration with a lactation consultant for infants experiencing feeding difficulties. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the condition. For infants struggling with breastfeeding, a simple surgical procedure called a frenotomy can release the tight frenulum, allowing for improved tongue movement and easier feeding.

Long-term Outlook:

With early intervention and appropriate management, the outlook for individuals with ankyloglossia is generally positive. Many infants experience immediate improvement in breastfeeding after a frenotomy, while older children and adults may benefit from speech therapy to address any lingering speech issues. Regular dental check-ups are also recommended to monitor oral health and address any concerns related to hygiene.


Ankyloglossia is a condition that highlights the intricate connection between oral anatomy and function. While it can pose challenges in early development, timely identification and intervention can significantly improve outcomes for affected individuals. By raising awareness about ankyloglossia and its implications, we can ensure that those affected receive the necessary support and care to lead healthy lives. If you suspect your child may have ankyloglossia, consulting with a healthcare provider is the first step towards addressing any concerns and exploring appropriate treatment options.

Difference Between Tooth Pain And Gum Pain

Difference Between Tooth Pain And Gum Pain

Symptoms of tooth pain?

Tooth pain can be multifactorial .Experiencing severe sensitivity to pain, which may or may not involve swelling is a symptom of tooth pain. Pain can be radiating causing headaches and ear pain .Disturbed sleep due to pain is a symptom of tooth pain.

Gum pain?

Gums may be red, swollen, tender, or bleeding. The gums may pull away from the teeth making them appear longer. Loose or sensitive teeth. Pain while chewing.

How important it is to see the doctor?

Any pain or discomfort in the teeth or the gums should not be overlooked .This can cause progression of the existing condition leading to severe infection and eventually the loss of tooth .So it is always ideal to visit your dentist during the onset of symptoms. Prompt treatment can reduce the treatment time and helps in healing faster.

Gum Treatment Before/After
Gum Treatment Before/After
Restored Decayed Tooth Before/After
Restored Decayed Tooth Before/After

Why Is A Tooth Extraction Necessary

Why Is A Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Tooth extraction becomes a necessary step in some conditions like severe tooth decay, fractured teeth, severe gum disease, impacted wisdom tooth, mal-aligned teeth, and many others.

What is tooth removal?

Extraction involves removal of the tooth in a painless way, so that the tissues around the tooth remain unharmed.

When do you need to get your tooth removed?

Your tooth may be extracted for any of the following reasons:

Severely decayed tooth – When decayed tooth is left untreated, the decay spreads and involves the whole tooth which slowly breaks down and loses most of its structure with severe pain and infection spreading to surrounding bone. Such a tooth cannot be restored by either fillings or by root canal treatment and need to be extracted.



Severe gum disease – Severe gum disease causes spread of infection to the underlying bone and the investing tissue of the tooth. This results in loosening of the teeth, pain and pus around the teeth. Such teeth require extraction to get rid of infection and pain. 



Fractured tooth – Teeth which are fractured at a deeper level that cannot be restored will require extraction followed by replacement. Such fractures can occur due to injuries to the face and teeth.




Impacted wisdom teeth – Wisdom teeth sometimes cannot erupt or partially erupted into the mouth due to certain reasons like small jaw size, lack of space, etc. such teeth cause pain due to many reasons like decay, force over the adjacent teeth, etc. These teeth cannot be treated due to their abnormal eruption pattern and require extraction in order to prevent damage to neighbouring teeth.



For orthodontic treatment – When the jaw size is small and the teeth size is big, the teeth in the mouth are crowded with poor alignment. In such conditions, certain tooth extractions may be needed to make room in the jaw for proper alignment of the teeth to be done.



So, it’s seen that all these factors will lead to dental extraction!

It is with us and in our hands to save what we already have and after all, prevention is better than cure! I urge you to consider your oral health with more care!

so, bottom line, keep smiling, stay healthy!

Have a great dentist visit!

By: Meghna Reddy

Thank you

What Should I Do If I Have A Braces Emergency?


If you’re facing a braces emergency, here are the steps you should take:

  1. Assess the Situation: Determine the severity of the problem. Is it causing significant
    pain or discomfort?
  2. Contact Your Orthodontist: Call your orthodontist immediately. Explain the issue and
    follow their guidance. They can provide specific instructions based on your situation.
  3. Temporary Solutions:
    ○ Pain Relief: If there’s pain, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers like
    ibuprofen (if safe for you) to manage discomfort.
    ○ Loose Bracket: If a bracket is loose but still attached to the wire, leave it in
    place. You can apply orthodontic wax to prevent irritation.
    ○ Poking Wire: If a wire is poking, you can try to push it into a more comfortable
    position using a pencil eraser or cover it with orthodontic wax.
  4. Avoid Certain Foods: Until you see your orthodontist, avoid hard, sticky, or chewy
    foods that could exacerbate the problem.
  5. Emergency Appointment: Depending on the severity, your orthodontist may schedule
    an emergency appointment to resolve the issue promptly.
  6. Stay Calm: Braces emergencies can be concerning, but staying calm and following
    these steps will help manage the situation until you can get professional help.

Remember, it’s crucial to contact your orthodontist for any issues related to your braces, as they
are trained to handle emergencies and ensure your braces continue to work effectively and

Eliminate Pain With Root Canal In Time

Eliminate Pain With Root Canal In Time

ROOT CANAL TREATMENT – Root canal is advised by the doctor when there is a decay or infection involving the nerve of the teeth. This procedure is done to preserve the integrity and function of the teeth in mouth, which would have been lost by extraction if not done in time.

“Healthy roots make a healthy tooth so don’t neglect tooth pain visit us at crossroads dental clinic to experience painless root canal treatment. Your comfort is our priority.”

Signs and symptoms

  • Discolored teeth due to previous trauma
  • Decayed teeth involving the nerve resulting in lingering pain
  • Infection or swelling in the gum or face
  • Cracked tooth
  • Broken tooth structure

Microscopic endodontics

Advances in dentistry can help to improve the quality of care in dentistry. Advances can be in the form of materials, equipment, or techniques. The field of endodontics has embraced technological advancements and changes in thought processes regarding root canal therapy.

The practice of root canal treatment under microscope has advanced the quality of treatment exponentially. The art of minimal and precise treatments avoids unwanted loss of tooth structure. This maintains the longevity of the tooth and prevents any iatrogenic errors.



When do I need a root canal treatment?

If you are experiencing pain in the tooth or swelling you might require a root canal treatment.

How many appointments is required for this treatment?

Root canal treatment can be done in 1-2 appointments depending on the condition of the teeth. The doctor might require more visits if the tooth is very infected .

Is root canal treatment painful?

Root canal treatment is a painless procedure as it is performed under Local Anesthetic. Discomfort after a root canal is common which is managed by prescribed oral analgesics.

Is placing a crown on root canal treated teeth mandatory?

It is always advisable to place a crown within 4-6 weeks after a root canal. Crowns provide protection for the underlying tooth and prevent the tooth from fracture .

Dr. Anju Ann Chacko

Why Retainer Are Important After Your Orthodontic Treatment



Orthodontic retainers are an integral part of maintaining the results achieved from braces or other orthodontic treatments. Once your teeth have been straightened, retainers help to keep them in their new positions, ensuring your beautiful smile lasts a lifetime. In this blog, we will explore the different types of retainers, how to care for them, and why they are essential for long-term dental health.

Types of Orthodontic Retainers

1. Hawley Retainers

  • Hawley retainers consist of a metal wire that surrounds the front teeth, attached an acrylic plate that sits on the roof of the mouth.
  • Durable and adjustable
  • Visible wire and potentially less comfortable than other options.

2. Clear Plastic Retainers/Essix retainers:

  • They are custom-molded, clear plastic trays that fit snugly over the teeth.
  • Virtually invisible and more comfortable for many users.
  • Less durable than Hawley retainers and can warp if exposed to heat.

3. Bonded Retainers:

  • These retainers consist of a thin wire bonded to the back of the teeth, typically the lower front teeth.
  • Permanent and unobtrusive, with no risk of forgetting to wear them.
  • Enquires diligent oral hygiene to prevent plaque buildup.

Importance of Orthodontic Retainers

  • After orthodontic treatment, teeth have a natural tendency to shift back to their original positions. Retainers prevent this relapse by holding the teeth in place as the surrounding bone and tissues stabilize.
  • Consistent use of retainers ensures that the alignment achieved through braces, preserving the function and aesthetics of your smile.
  • Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

Caring for Your Retainer

  • Clean your retainer daily using a toothbrush and plain water. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp plastic retainers.
  • When not in use, store your retainer in its protective case to prevent damage. Avoid leaving it out in the open, where it can be exposed to bacteria or accidentally thrown away.
  • Do not wrap your retainer in a napkin (it can be mistaken for trash) and keep it away from pets, as they might chew on it.
  • Bring your retainer to your orthodontic appointments so your orthodontist can check for wear and ensure it still fits properly.

Post And Core Treatment

Post & Core

What is the post and core procedure ?
Post and core procedure is advised when more than 50 percent of your tooth’s original structure is lost due to decay , trauma etc. This causes teeth to be weakened or lack sufficient retention for a crown after a root canal treatment.

When post and core is advised?
Post and core is advised after root canal treatment procedure. Doctor will assess the loss of the teeth and its ability to withstand occlusal forces. If the tooth is weakened by the persisting etiology post and core is advised .

What are the advantages of post and core?
This procedure helps mechanically retain posts along with the dental crown and core. This provides a solid foundation for the crown .This helps in maintaining the integrity of the teeth.this prevents the teeth from getting fractured .

Q & A About Dental Implants In Dubai

Q & A About Dental Implants In Dubai

By: Dr. Alka Bulchandani


Q. What is a dental implant ?

A.  Dental Implant is an artificial tooth root that’s placed into your jaw to hold a prosthetic tooth or bridge.

Q. What are Dental Implants made of?

A. Dental Implants are made of Titanium. It is highly biocompatible and therefore it is rarely rejected by the body.

Q. What happens during an Implant placement surgery?

A. The surgery is done under local anesthesia. The implant is placed with the help of specialized instruments into the jaw. After a specific time period, crown or a bridge is placed over the implant.

Q. What are the Benefits of placing Dental Implants?

– They preserve the height & thickness of jaw bones thereby preventing the aged appearance of lower third of the face.

– Gives a natural feel : aesthetic as well as functional

– Comfortable chewing

-Longer lasting

-Less daily maintenance

– No damage to surrounding teeth versus a bridge which requires trimming of adjacent teeth

-Improves quality of life

Q. How to maintain Implants?

-Regular dental visit & check up.

-Oral hygiene maintenance

-Avoid smoking

-Maintain blood sugar levels


Dental Crown & Bridge – By Dr. Alka Bulchandani

Dental Crown & Bridge – By Dr. Alka Bulchandani



Dental Crowns are basically caps over natural teeth to provide protection, strength & aesthetics. Dental Crowns are made when more than 60% of tooth is damaged, Root canal treated tooth or aesthetically compromised tooth.


Dental bridges are caps involving more than one tooth. They take support of adjacent teeth to fill the gaps in between teeth. These gaps could be due to missing tooth or spacing in between teeth.

What type of materials are used for crowns and bridges?

Various range of materials are used depending on the aesthetic & functional aspects- Emax, Zirconia, Porcelain Fused to Metal and Metal Crowns.

Benefits of Crowns & Bridges

  • Protects damaged tooth
  • Prevents fracture of Root canal treated teeth
  • Provides an ideal shape & color to the teeth
  • Increases chewing efficiency in cases of missing/malaligned teeth

Crossroads Crosses Another Milestone With A Successful ALL-ON-SIX Same Day Implant Surgery

Crossroads Crosses Another Milestone With A Successful ALL-ON-6 Same Day Implant Surgery

The prestigious Crossroads dental clinic, Deira paved way for another distinguished expat and a pragmatic business executive, the opportunity to regain his confident perfect smile through a successful All-On-6 Same Day Implant Surgery. The recipient, a citizen from Belgium had 16 compromised teeth with extensive damage due to deep dental caries and traumatic occlusion on abutment supported bridges. After detailed clinical and CBCT examination, the patient was advised for a full mouth rehabilitation with a tailor made digitally designed treatment plan that included 16 extractions and 12 implant placements along with fixed functional prosthesis  and all to be done on the same day.

After prior pre-operative treatment procedures, the patient was taken in for the surgery at 10.30 am on 15th of December and the vitals were recorded. The 10 hour long surgery was performed by a team of five doctors lead by Dr.Shams Tabrez Siddiqui- Principal dentist of Crossroads Dental Clinic. The team encompassed an Oral surgeon, an Implantologist , Restorative dentist and two assistant dentists. By 2.30 pm, the surgeon had already completed 16 extractions and by around 7.00 pm,12 implants were successfully inserted (6 upper and 6 lower), followed by fixation of his digitally pre-fabricated fixed functional teeth. After re-ensuring the well being of the patient, we shook hands to conclude the successful ALL ON SIX same day implant surgery by 9.00 pm.

The smile he had on his face when he left the clinic, will definitely keep us going forward to create more success stories and beautiful smiles

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