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Keep Your Teeth Healthy During COVID-19

In midst of COVID-19 Outbreak, good dental hygiene might not be your top priority.

But things can get worse if you develop a painful cavity andmay not be able to consult the dentist.

As you are taking care of your mental and physical health, oral hygiene is also an important thing you need to care of, especially at a time like this, when you are unable to see your dentist for routine cleaning and checkup.


For the highest level of oral hygiene, the dentists advise:

  • 1) Brushing -teeth twice daily (for 2 minutes )
  • 2)Floss-once a day.
  • 3)Non-alcohol based Mouthwash- Rinsing twice a day, which help in reducing plaque buildup.
  • 4)Toothpaste- hydroxyapatite toothpaste or fluoride-based toothpaste

1. Diet Control: In self-quarantining, it is easy to adopt a habit of excessive eating.

  • 1) To follow a standard dental care procedure at home,
  • 2) To avoid consuming food that is too hot or too cold, especially when you have tooth sensitivityor the pain will aggravate.
  • 3) To avoid eating hard foods such as, popcorn, peanut and sticky hard candy, which can crack tooth or damage the fillings.

2. Avoid Smoking:

  • 1) Smoking is destructive to oral health.
  • 2) Smoking prevents the blood supply to your gums so increases the risk of gum infection.

3. Toothbrush care:

  • 1) Toothbrush care is important because it is the easiest route to infection.
  • 2) Toothbrush comes into contact with saliva and other secretions.

4. Stop virus particle from spreading: Flushing the toilet generates aerosol spray that causes virus particles spread.

  • 1) Advised to flush with the lid closed
  • 2) Keep the toothbrush and other toiletries away from commodes.


  • 1) Are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 infections.
  • 2) Are attending emergency cases and are being extra cautious to protect themselves and you.


  • 1) Painful swelling in the mouth
  • 2) Bleeding in the mouth not stopping
  • 3) Pain in a tooth/ jaw
  • 4) Broken tooth/ filling
  • 5) Broken veneer/ crown/ dentures
  • 6) Gum infection that includes swelling or pain
  • 7) Cheeks or gums hurt from braces wires
  • 8) Broken Orthodontic Brackets/ wires
  • 9) Broken Orthodontic retainers
  • 10) Dressing change / removal of stitches
  • 11) Biopsy of abnormal tissue
  • 12) Trauma


  • 1) Maintain social distance- It’s the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.
  • 2) Advise -Maintain good oral hygiene and follow the standard dental care procedure at home.
  • 3) Dental offices are doing their best-Any processes and counselling patients by phone or video conferencing.
  • 4) For everyone’s health-Advised to consult a dentist only in emergency cases.

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