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Its time to focus on the technique first.

These days everyone is so focused on the brands of toothpaste and design of toothbrushes that the companies have created a plethora of these products. Speaking of toothpastes, we have a range from added salt to turmeric to what not. We have herbal, ayurvedic, menthol containing tooth pastes. In terms of tooth brushes, we have from manual to digital, from plastic handles to wooden ones, from three sided to flamingo designed tooth brushes.  There could be a separate blog for this explaining whether they are necessary or not.

Lets dive into the technique. Also the time and frequency.

Its important to brush for atleast 2 minutes each time twice a day atleast. If you have high caries index or you have poor gum health, you can increase the frequency to thrice a day that is almost after every meal. You literally can carry a toothbrush in your essentials every day and that is absolutely okay as long as it is helping you stay cavity free.

To name them, there are basically 6 methods of brushing.

  1. Modified Bass Method of Brushing – Best & most commonly advised
  2. Stillman ‘s technique
  3. Charters method
  4. Fones method (Circular)
  5. Horizontal
  6. Vertical(Leonard)


But most of us are familiar with only 2 – Horizontal and/or Vertical(leonard) method of brushing where you just move your brush either back and forth or in vertical motions. While these methods are not so bad, however they fail to address the cervical areas(neck) of the tooth near the gums. Basically the tooth has a smooth curved surface, hence the plaque is less likely to be present on the surface but near the surface where this smooth curve ends that is near the gums.

Bass and Stillman technique focuses on the tooth surface near the gums. Instead of keeping the bristles 90 degree, they are placed 45 degree facing towards the gums. In Bass method, the bristles are placed 45 degree on every 3 sets of teeth and small circular motions are performed. In Stillman, back and forth motions are done. The same motions are performed both on the front and back surfaces of the teeth. The top surface of the teeth are cleaned as usual as we do in other methods. The inner surface of the front teeth are cleaned by the using the tip of the brush and gently pressing and massaging circularly at the junction of the teeth & gums. These techniques help in gum stimulation thereby maintaining their health.

Remember: The focus should be at the junction of the teeth & gums because that is the place where the food gets lodged most of the time. Do not do excessive motions or press hard on your gums.

Stillman method is beneficial for patients having gum recession while bass can be beneficial for almost all patients. Both the methods are a little technique sensitive, but once you get a hold of them you will never go back to the older methods of brushing.

Fones method is usually advised for children to make them learn brushing on their own by making small circular motions on their teeth. Charters method is recommended in orthodontic patients, where the bristles are placed 45 degree towards the occlusal surface from the top & bottom of orthodontic brackets and shot vibratory motions are done.


Dr Alka Bulchandani

Oral Medicine & Radiology Specialist

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